Magazine and Media Reviews

We are a well established and well known company – and we have featured heavily in the media and the press over the years! We have featured in magazine reviews by Mountain Bike Rider (MBR), Dirt and Mountain Biking UK amongst others. All of these guys have ridden with us for a week or more, and have published major articles about Singletrack Safari. On this page we are going to show you those reviews in full so you can see for yourself what they have said about us each and every time…and guess, what? It’s good. Very good!

...what mountain bikers dreams are made of...these guys provide the full package!

You can open, read and download the full MBUK review published in January 2017 featuring Bike Park Wales’ Rowan Sorrell, right here in our website as it was published, by following this link PDF (right click “Save as” to download)

Mountain Biking UK - Summer 2016

...the most perfect sun-dappled loamy singletrack any of us had ever ridden.

You can open, read and download the full MBR review, published in January 2012, from back in our pre-uplift days, right here in our website as it was published, by following this link PDF (right click “Save as” to download)

MBR Mountain Bike Rider - Summer 2011

I love the place & will be back there to ride dusty, twisty flow-tastic trails hopefully very soon..

You can open, read and download the full Dirt Magazine review, published in early 2013, right here in our website as it was published, by following this link PDF (right click “Save as” to download)

Dirt Magazine - Summer 2012

..around midnight Cedric Gracia helped lead our jelly-legged heroes to an ultimate destination....

You can open, read and download the full Dirt Magazine article, published in early 2013, right here in our website as it was published, by following this link PDF (right click “Save as” to download)

Dirt Magazine - December 2012 (Europikey Column)

"We all got to ride the sort of trails we wanted, at the speed we wanted, as often as we could!"

William Crannburn

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